George Bellows (1882-1925)
George Bellows (1882-1925)
George Bellows (1882-1925)
George Bellows (1882-1925)
George Bellows (1882-1925)
George Bellows (1882-1925)
Virginia Berresford (1904-1995)
Virginia Berresford (1904-1995)
Virginia Berresford (1904-1995)
Virginia Berresford (1904-1995)
Virginia Berresford (1904-1995)
Virginia Berresford (1904-1995)
Howard Norton Cook (1901-1980)
Howard Norton Cook (1901-1980)
Ralston Crawford (1906-1978)
Ralston Crawford (1906-1978)
Ralston Crawford (1906-1978)
Ralston Crawford (1906-1978)
Arthur B. Davies (1862-1928)
Arthur B. Davies (1862-1928)
W. Hunt Diederich (1884-1953)
W. Hunt Diederich (1884-1953)
W. Hunt Diederich (1884-1953)
W. Hunt Diederich (1884-1953)
W. Hunt Diederich (1884-1953)
W. Hunt Diederich (1884-1953)
Ernest Fiene (1894-1965)
Ernest Fiene (1894-1965)
Emil Ganso (1895-1941)
Emil Ganso (1895-1941)
Emil Ganso (1895-1941)
Emil Ganso (1895-1941)
Carl Holty (1900-1973)
Carl Holty (1900-1973)
Bernard Karfiol (1886-1952)
Bernard Karfiol (1886-1952)
Rockwell Kent (1882-1971)
Rockwell Kent (1882-1971)
Leon Kroll (1884-1974)
Leon Kroll (1884-1974)
Leon Kroll (1884-1974)
Leon Kroll (1884-1974)
Ernest Lawson (1873-1939)
Ernest Lawson (1873-1939)
Peppino Mangravite (1896-1978)
Peppino Mangravite (1896-1978)
Henry Lee McFee (1886-1953)
Henry Lee McFee (1886-1953)
George Bellows (1882-1925)
George Bellows (1882-1925)Children and Mountain, Woodstock, NY, 192020 × 24 inchesframed: 28 ¼ x 32 ½ inchesoil on canvassigned lower right, titled versoInquire
George Bellows (1882-1925)
George Bellows (1882-1925)Bather, Sunday Afternoon, Third Beach, Newport, RI, 191913 1/2 x 12 1/8 inchesframed: 17 1/4 x 16 1/4 inchescrayon and ink wash on paperestate signed signature lower right: Geo Bellows / J.B.B.Inquire
George Bellows (1882-1925)
George Bellows (1882-1925)Mountain Orchard, Woodstock, 192220 x 24 inchesframed: 27 1/2 x 31 1/2 inchesoil on panelestate signed lower leftInquire
Virginia Berresford (1904-1995)
Virginia Berresford (1904-1995)Morning Glory and Lily Pads, 194322 x 15 inchesframed: 26 3/4 x 19 1/4 incheswatercolor on papersigned and dated lower rightInquire
Virginia Berresford (1904-1995)
Virginia Berresford (1904-1995)Coral Shell, 194420 x 15 inchesframed: 24 3/8 x 19 1/4 incheswatercolor on boardsigned lower rightInquire
Virginia Berresford (1904-1995)
Virginia Berresford (1904-1995)Blue School24 x 18 inchesframed: 30 x 24 inchesoil on boardsigned lower right; titled versoInquire
Howard Norton Cook (1901-1980)
Howard Norton Cook (1901-1980)Skyscraper #2 21 1/2 x 10 1/4 inchesframed: 28 1/2 x 17 3/8 inchescharcoal and pastel on papersigned lower rightInquire
Ralston Crawford (1906-1978)
Ralston Crawford (1906-1978)Sanford Tanks, 193912 x 16 inchesframed: 16 3/4 x 20 3/4 incheswatercolor, ink and pencil on papersigned lower leftInquire
Ralston Crawford (1906-1978)
Ralston Crawford (1906-1978)Coal Car, 19458 x 12 inchesframed: 19 3/4 x 24 3/4 inchesgouache on papersigned lower leftInquire
Arthur B. Davies (1862-1928)
Arthur B. Davies (1862-1928)Hudson Valley, 1914-1826 x 40 inchesframed: 31 1/2 x 48 1/2 inchesoil on canvassigned lower leftInquire
W. Hunt Diederich (1884-1953)
W. Hunt Diederich (1884-1953)Strutting Rooster6 ¾ x 4 7/8 inchesframed: 14 ¼ x 12 ¾ inchesblack paper cut outsigned lower rightInquire
W. Hunt Diederich (1884-1953)
W. Hunt Diederich (1884-1953)Horse and Hare Trivet 11 inch diametersheet metalInquire
W. Hunt Diederich (1884-1953)
W. Hunt Diederich (1884-1953)Greyhounds in the Round9 1/4 inch diameterblack and gold paper silhouettesigned lower rightInquire
Ernest Fiene (1894-1965)
Ernest Fiene (1894-1965)Hudson Riverboat II, c. 192726 x 28 inchesframed: 33 3/4 x 25 3/4 inchesoil on canvassigned lower leftInquire
Emil Ganso (1895-1941)
Emil Ganso (1895-1941)New York City Nocturne, 192920 x 16 inchesframed: 27 x 23 3/8 inchesoil on canvassigned and dated versoInquire
Emil Ganso (1895-1941)
Emil Ganso (1895-1941)New York Roof Tops, 193522 x 18 1/2 inchesoil on canvassigned lower rightInquire
Carl Holty (1900-1973)
Carl Holty (1900-1973)The Musician, 192314 x 10 1/4 inchesframed: 21 1/4 x 17 1/4 incheswatercolor and gouache on papersigned and dated lower rightInquire
Bernard Karfiol (1886-1952)
Bernard Karfiol (1886-1952)Perkins Cove, Ogunquit, ME, 191921 x 34 inchesframed: 22 1/4 x 35 5/8 inches (frame by Robert Laurent)oil on canvassigned, dated, and located lower rightInquire
Rockwell Kent (1882-1971)
Rockwell Kent (1882-1971)Holsteinsborg, Afternoon, Greenland, 193428 x 48 inchesframed: 31 1/4 x 51 inchesoil on canvas mounted to boardsigned lower rightInquire
Leon Kroll (1884-1974)
Leon Kroll (1884-1974)Apple Trees, Woodstock, 192226 x 32 inchesframed: 32 1/4 x 38 1/4 inchesoil on canvastitled, dated, and signed versoInquire
Leon Kroll (1884-1974)
Leon Kroll (1884-1974)Still Life with Flowers20 3/8 x 16 3/8 inchesframed: 25 3/8 x 21 inchesoil on canvassigned lower rightInquire
Ernest Lawson (1873-1939)
Ernest Lawson (1873-1939)Haystacks on the Farm, 1907-1018 x 23 1/4 inchesframed: 26 3/8 x 31 3/4 inchesoil on canvassigned lower rightInquire
Peppino Mangravite (1896-1978)
Peppino Mangravite (1896-1978)Rose and Table Still Life20 x 16 inchesframed: 26 x 22 inchesoil on canvassigned lower rightInquire
Henry Lee McFee (1886-1953)
Henry Lee McFee (1886-1953)Still Life with Oranges, c. 1923 12 1/2 x 14 3/4 inches framed: 21 x 23 inches gouache and pencil on board signed lower right Inquire
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